"Everything'll even out, see, I have two friends, you were up, he was down. Now he's up, you're down. You see how it all evens out for me?"
Seinfeld fans will recognize that line. It's from one of my favorite episodes ever... called "The Opposite." You remember that one... where George orders chicken salad on rye instead of his typical tuna on toast... and he tells a girl he's unemployed and lives with his parents. Everything starts working out for him. At the same time... suddenly Elaine can't buy a break.
Well... I've seen a bit of the up and down theory playing out among my friends recently. Until now.
This week was rough. I have a bunch of friends who are down... and not many who are up. It's the end of the first quarter... and I know waaaaaaaaay too many people who just lost their jobs. I know a bunch more who are afraid they're next in line to get the ax. I'm won't get into details... but trust me... some of the stories are heartbreaking... others are just ridiculous.
I tell all my friends who are in this boat... if you need to vent... if you need to unload... I'm here. God knows I did just that to plenty of my friends during my last days at NBC and during my first days of unemployment. After 4 months, I think I've gotten to be pretty good at understanding this whole not having a job thing. I understand exactly where the newly-pink slipped are coming from.
The best advice I can give them is to never look in the rear view mirror. Everything happens for a reason. Keep your feet moving, stay positive and you will make something good happen. It might-- and probably will-- take time... but down the road there's a pretty good chance you'll look back at this difficult experience and eventually think you're better off for it.
So back to the Seinfeld episode... If you subscribe to Jerry's theory... then there's gotta be some good news on the horizon... because I can't have this many friends DOWN at the same time. It just can't happen. I'm due to have a lot of friends be UP again... the sooner the better. Life has a funny way of balancing itself out over the long run. Just be patient.
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