Friday, March 6, 2009

As Clyde & Keith would say... RE-JECTED!

"Jason Hartelius,

Thank you for your interest in our company.  We are pleased that you considered us at this stage of your career planning.  However, we have selected another individual for the above-referenced position.

We appreciate your interest in this position and wish you success in achieving your career goals."

I love emails like this.

For the record... I am completely qualified for the job and I never got so much as a phone call or an email back from them until now.  This is probably some automated response and I'm willing to bet nobody actually looked at my resume.  If they would have looked, they probably would have called.

To be honest, I actually forgot I even applied for this job it was so long ago.  I think it was the first week of January.  So when I saw the email with the position and company in the subject line, I got excited for a second. I thought maybe they wanted to interview me. 

Oh well, their loss.  Life goes on.  It wasn't anything I had my heart set on... but it WAS a good job.

As always... I don't mean to simply bitch and moan to you about it. That's what Mom & Dad for. I'm actually laughing about this one.  I just thought it was a good addendum to my Overpaid & Overqualified post from the other day.  

It's rough out there... and getting rougher... as if you needed more evidence.