Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Adidas

When you are unemployed you have a lot of time to think.  Sometimes the simplest things can give you the deepest thoughts.  Today I re-learned a valuable life lesson while buying a pair of sneakers. Seriously.

I had a long list of things to get done today... very boring, mundane stuff.  Hair cut. Post Office.  Bank.  While I was at the bank, I deposited my first paycheck from the bar where I've been working (shameless plug- Whiskey Bar in Hoboken, come see me tonight and every Tuesday!)  It was a typical waiter/bartender check... which isn't much because the hourly rate is somewhere around minimum wage... of course you make your money on tips.

The next thing on my list was to get a new pair of sneakers to wear when I'm bartending and playing the guitar.  I have an old pair of Pumas I've been holding onto solely for those two purposes that I probably should have thrown out a year ago. They are in bad shape. Okay, that's putting it gently.  They are beat up and disgusting.  And they smell. But considering they get covered in beer every time I wear them, I didn't care.  I knew they were on their last legs, but it wasn't until a good friend got a whiff of them last week and almost died that I actually realized how bad they really do stink.

So I went to Foot Locker and I bought a pair of black Adidas... with red stripes. Obviously I couldn't just get plain black.  Anyone who has ever been out with me knows I love ridiculous sneakers... there's gotta be something to make them stand out.  I've had blue, red, green, even brown & yellow kicks... but I digress...

As I walked out of the store with my new Adidas... I realized...  the money I had just deposited in the bank 10 minutes ago went right to these new sneakers. The deposit and the charge to my credit card were practically the same amount.  The money went in and out of my hands that quickly.

I admit, it's been a long time since I really had to worry about sticking to a budget.  As a single guy with a great job, zero debt, no car and a roommate... well... I could spend like a rock star and still have money to put away at the end of the month. Now I have to keep track of every dollar.

A few months ago I probably would have bought those sneakers in three different colors and not thought twice about it.  And here I am today, getting all reflective and proud about the fact that I earned those shoes.

So the lesson I re-learned today...  I need to appreciate everything I have just a little bit more these days.  Even the simple things, like a new pair of sneakers. Because somehow, some way, things could always be worse.

My Adidas & my paycheck.

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